It's over and that is good. The choice was not the best
and either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders might have done better than Hillary. She
carried self-inflicted wounds and the weight of being the first serious woman candidate in
a country where lots of white men are still challenged by that. (Now
watch for Elizabeth.)
However, it is also clear that yesterday the global
reaction against globalization – which has benefited the rich more than
the bottom – came to the US with the election of Trump as President. Not just white men felt left behind by what seems an elite project to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest. But if the Republican conservative fundamentalists fill Trump's Administration and have their way, our country and the world
will continue coming apart and there will be many losers. Watch for encouragement of foreign extremists (and Putin) as well as chaos in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan if the US hand is removed or rejected. Watch for Republicans ruining the economy again with more trickle-down. Watch for those people feeling empowered now to do nasty things to others not like them (including some who may get cabinet jobs.) Things
all around could get dangerous. But being an optimist, one can hope that Trump will surprise in some good ways. Perhaps centrist
Congressional Republicans, Democrats in the Senate and the former Democrat version of
Trump (he was one a few years back) will save us from the excesses of the
campaign Trump. Trump's victory comments were at least more
Boy, do we ever need Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Ruminations on everything from international affairs and politics to quantum physics, cosmology and consciousness. More recently, notes on political theory.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
The 2016 Election
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Ethnic Conflict Helps Bacteria Cooperate
Science News piece reports research indicating
that “bacteria assassinating each other when crowded together
ironically can favor the evolution of cooperation.” This happens
when different strains of bacteria are initially mixed randomly.
Using their own brand of natural antibiotic, each bacterium launches
an attack on its neighbors from different strains. This eventually
leads – through a kind of bacterial ethnic conflict – to clumps
of same strain bacteria that can then shift from expending energy on
warfare with opposing clumps to cooperating with each other in its
same-strain clump. As the researcher summed up: “This
resulting clumpy distribution, despite its murderous origin, favors
the rise of cooperation, such as secreting substances useful to a
whole community.”
seems quite clear and while not really surprising – like prefers like
– also suggests a possibly illuminating thought experiment.
Imagine a beneficent bacterial power – lets call it the USA (Union
for Safe Association) – that seeks to use carrots and sticks –
super-antibacterial agents plus sugar – to push the different
strains into coexisting rather than trying to kill each other. This
would require maintaining an unnatural balance and might never
succeed in making each bacterium focus its energies on anything but
finding other ways to win living space. Perhaps it could work as
long as the USA worked diligently, non-stop and forever. But should
the effort lag, nature would probably just take its course.
billions of years of evolution, identity-specific living organisms –
strains – seem to follow the same imperative to clump. This is the
state of nature. Past human experience suggests that there are only
a few ways to establish a stable order out of mixture: strong,
perhaps brutal central rule (whether from inside or outside, a
Leviathan), sufficient nutrient (wealth) to allow all strains a piece
of the pie (Western liberal democracy), or letting nature take its
course (“ethnic” conflict finally ending in more or less
homogeneous entities that at least have that to be proud of). Does
the human species suggest better?
international relations,
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
What if non-avian dinosaurs survived?
seems to be a growing consensus that the number of dinosaur species
was already in decline before the great asteroid impact that ended
the Cretaceous era 66 million years ago. As Science
News reports, as of about 50 million years before the mass
extinction the number of new dinosaur species was being eclipsed by
the number going extinct and dinosaur diversity was decreasing.
Duck-billed and Triceratops-type
dinosaurs were doing well until the end of dinosaur days as was a
group of small toothed raptors. But ultimately, only avian dinosaurs
– the birds – survived.
did the number of dinosaur species decline over time and why did only
avian dinosaurs survive? The dinosaur decline might have been due to
climate change perhaps brought on by continental drift and the
resulting land-form, rainfall and ocean current alterations from the
late Jurassic onward. Perhaps only birds survived the long
“nuclear-type” winter after the impact because they could eat
carrion and seeds, of which there might have been much. Some small
non-avian dinosaurs also could have been able to do the same but they
might not have been able to travel long distances. Perhaps only a
small number of birds – even just a few species – made it through
on remote islands and as the earth recovered, they could spread. The
land-bound non-avian dinosaur survivors – if any – might not have
been able to reach places where their numbers could then rebound.
what if there was no impact or somewhere creatures like the small
raptors made it through? Carnivorous tyrannosaur- and
velociraptor-type dinosaurs (theropods) were doing well at the end of
the Cretaceous. Indeed, it may be that the hundred million year-plus
competition between carnivores and herbivores had led to the
evolution of a lesser number of species but ones ever more evenly
matched. Some of the largest herbivores and carnivores ever were
alive at the end. And it may have been that the carnivores were
getting smarter, perhaps even hunting in packs. (The herbivores
apparently had long been herd animals.) Seems the smaller theropods
– like Troodon
– were the (relatively) smarter ones. It is interesting to
speculate how earth's evolutionary processes might have played out
differently if at least some of these non-avian theropods had
survived the great impact. With another 66 million years of
evolutionary competition, might they have gotten even bigger brains,
as primitive primates eventually did. Or perhaps I was just too
impressed at an early age with the Gorn captain forced into combat
with Captain Kirk.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Repeal the 2nd Amendment
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not
be infringed.”
are more guns than people in the United States today. Every time
there is a mass killing, some will argue for gun control and others –
led by the NRA – will push back by using the opportunity to loosen
guns laws even further. Mass killings get the news but many more
people are killed by guns in suicides and criminal homicides.
victims of gun death from homicide tend to be young black men. Gun
crime follows the social and economic inequality of America's inner
cities where our police must protect their communities while facing
the possibility of being out-gunned themselves. The police are in
the front lines of a society still plagued by this race-based
inequality and the fact that there are too many guns too easily had.
advocates of unrestrained “gun rights” base their case on the 2nd
amendment to the US constitution. That amendment might be read to
suggest that given that a state has the right of self-defense,
people must be allowed to have guns so that when they come together
in that state's army (militia) they know how to use them. Or it
could be read to mean that people have a right to have guns in
order for them to be able to protect themselves from the
state. This second reading is the implicit – if not always
explicit – argument of the NRA-led gun lobby. They may also seize
upon the word “militia” to suggest the right to come together in
bands to resist government encroachment.
pro-gun readings of the 2nd amendment highlight the fact
that the amendment itself is outdated. In 21st Century
America, the notion of a citizen uprising to defend us from a central
government dictatorship is simply the realm of fantasy. Indeed it
has been repeatedly enacted as such in movies about citizen uprisings
against foreign or alien invaders. In reality, we have a government
of and by the people. When it over-reaches, there are
checks and balances. (Someday, a Supreme Court may correct
the notion that money is speech.) It is difficult to credit the
founding fathers with the belief that they were providing the right
to bear arms in order to empower the citizens of the United States to
overthrow the government they themselves had established. The
language of the 2nd amendment seems to make clear that the
right of self-protection belonged to the state and not to
even the first reading of the amendment – indeed any reading –
must confront the clear language that for whatever the reason, the
right to have guns shall not be infringed.
It does appear absolute. So
that should lead to the obvious conclusion that the 2nd
amendment is obsolescent
and injurious to the nation's health. We all – people in their
homes and on the streets, police and young black men – would be
safer in a country where there were no guns beyond those modest ones
used by hunters and sportsmen under reasonable regulation. The 2nd amendment should be repealed.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
The Senior Citizen Event Horizon
A friend at work
today mentioned a news report he saw about some driver-less car going
up a mountainous road with no guard rail and with passengers on board
but with no one actually driving. This comes as part of a blitz of
developments in smart cars and appliances, bots, the Internet of
Things, wireless everywhere and Artificial Intelligence. I recently
bought a smart TV mostly because I finally wanted HighDef. The TV is
a 2015 model so not so smart. As far as I am concerned, this is a
good thing. With OPM, the DNC, banks and businesses, etcetera,
falling victim to an alarming array of professional and military
hackers, I really am comfortable with all the inanimate devices I use
being dumb and unconnected. I've come to realize that the
ever-increasing wave of technological change has swept by me and
that's okay. I'm comfortable in the world of pre-2016 things. I
really don't need to live in the world of future tech. It's beyond
my event horizon. I don't mind doing my own shopping list and don't
see myself buying a fridge that will do it for me. My washer and
dryer have settings I can set. The house thermostat responds
directly to my pressing its buttons. My car does allow hand-free
calls and hooks my music through Bluetooth from my iPhone. But I
like driving it myself. (I even have stick.)
Those who have grown
up after the time when users could write his/her own programs – I
used Basic to do a recipe program on my Commodore 64 – and even
more those now getting iPads in school will feel quite comfortable
traveling through a world best captured in the sci-fi series of The
Golden Age. Hopefully, it won't all collapse into a singularity.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
What Hillary Needs to Do to Win in November
Donald Trump has
been winning votes in places and with constituencies that the
Democrats usually win in presidential races. Bernie Sanders has been
winning votes that in the past went to Hillary. Both men have
understood the dynamics of a political landscape transformed by the
rise of the unprotected. Both understand that the great majority
of non-elite Americans – those outside the 1% – live with varying
degrees and kinds of fear. They have seen administration after
administration, whichever party, remain complacent with erosion of America's place in the world, increasing inequality, loss
of jobs and decay of basic infrastructure. Prospects for a better
future – if not for themselves, for their children – seem to
have gone up in smoke. Hillary Clinton has her core constituency of
minorities but her ability to gather in those who have been voting
for Trump and Sanders – working/middle class whites and the young –
is very much open to question.
In part, Trump has
prospered on the Republican side because of the ideological rigidity
and uninspiring nature of his opponents. Clinton has been able to
keep the lead on the Democratic side because of her establishment
support and core constituencies. Whether the Republican
establishment likes it or not, Trump has seized their party. The
Democrats appear stuck with Hillary. Sanders may well have a better
chance of beating Trump by keeping the traditional Democratic base
while adding the young and inspired. Perhaps the party will yet grab
hold of itself – what if Sanders won California? – and switch the
super-delegates to Bernie. But otherwise, it will have to go into
the November race with an uncharismatic, widely disliked, upholder of
the establishment.
How might Hillary
nevertheless win? She would have to meet Trump issue by issue with
specific, focused plans to actually deal with the challenges that he only
promises to overcome by merely being Trump.
Top of the list are
jobs and free trade. Both parties' long adherence to the free-trade
religion has clearly led to the shifting of American jobs abroad.
The supposed benefits have included a plethora of imported “cheaper”
goods that the working/middle class must struggle to buy with the
wages of the lower paying service jobs left them. Clinton might instead call
for a moratorium on free-trade agreements – including the TPP –
and a re-evaluation of all existing such agreements (except for NAFTA
which remains a vital part of our own neighborhood). Trade
agreements that benefit far-off workers in repressive regimes – and
thus help keep such regimes in power – should be special targets
for possibly rolling back. Re-visiting free-trade would be
accompanied by a re-industrialization program to support the creation
of jobs in the productive sectors that could be competitive provided
with limited government support and perhaps protective tariffs.
Free-traders would offer many objections but the country at large is
living with the reality that free-trade
globalization may have been premature.
Clinton might also
go beyond platitudes about re-building America by offering a detailed
outline of infrastructure spending. Our drinking-water systems, city
streets and mass transport systems, inter-city rails, highways,
bridges, tunnels and waterways all need repair or replacement. Areas
prone to sea-level and climate change need to be identified and
communities, places and activities perhaps re-configured or
relocated. Everywhere-wireless internet access might be built. All
these would create good jobs and add value to our economy.
Clinton might
outline detailed plans to curtail the ability of “Wall Street” –
too-big-to-fail financial activities and entities – to cause or
heighten economic recessions. She might also commit to seeking
legislation (and Supreme Court nominees) that will reduce the role of
money in our elections and enable universal voter participation. She
might also decide to fund her campaign only from direct fundraising
from individual small donors.
Finally, Clinton
might take on directly the longstanding Republican attack on
government. Government is our collective capability to act on our
collective behalf. It is not the “enemy.” She should
definitively eschew the sort of “triangulation” that looks to
“compromise” with every 1% -inspired effort to cut government
spending and target entitlements. This also means taking on the
debt-issue. The US prints the world's money and there is no
competitor yet on the scene. Taxes on the well-off could be
raised considerably without scaring them away. (The US is still the
best place on earth to enjoy your money.) Clinton might also combine
a continued commitment to a strong US defense with a commitment to
look again at our need for such things as $13 billion aircraft
carriers and expensive equipment and weapons that are seldom used or
don't work or cost as promised.
In the general
election, Trump will be the transformation candidate in the
narrowest sense of trying to convince American voters that he himself
is all the transformation they need. If she gets the nomination,
Hillary Clinton may have to become the candidate of real, detailed
plans for transformation in order to win in November.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Gravity Waves, Relativity, Quantum Physics and Consciousness
I suggested that the confirmation of gravity waves grounds general
relativity theory (GR) more firmly than the Standard Model of quantum
physics (SM). The latter remains incomplete in a way the former is
not. Relativity accounts for gravity (as a bending of spacetime);
the Standard Model is still looking to
do the same,
perhaps via supersymmetry or string theory. For this reason,
it seemed perhaps useful to look at quantum physics in light of
relativity, instead of trying to extend the SM to account for
gravity. GR is complete as it is and now provides the basis of
classical cosmology which traces the origin of the universe to
the Big Bang. But practitioners of the SM are busy seeking to use
quantum physics to get beyond the Big Bang. One important and
interesting effort is contained in the unbounded-universe approach
pioneered by Stephen
Hawking and James Hartle (see also this SETI
talk brought to attention through @GeorgeShiber). This posits
the origin of the universe not with a Big Bang but with the
conversion of a dimension of space into a dimension of time.
GR, the universe originates with a Big Bang that by itself has no
explanation. Where does the original singularity that explodes come
from? According to what physical laws does it exist? The
Hawking-Hartle approach seeks to explain this by suggesting that four
dimensions of space without time – and therefore without origin –
give rise to the universe through a process akin to quantum tunneling
that converts one space dimension into time and thus produces
spacetime. But even the Hawking-Hartle approach does not offer an
explanation of where and how the four dimensions of space come from.
Neither theory provides any way to get a grip on the question of
first causes. Both approaches reveal in their own way a reality that
apparently was given, suggesting there may be no
more layers of the onion to peel back.
Perhaps, mathematically based science has brought us to the edge of
what we can know in this way. There may simply be nothing beyond
what we presently understand; we now know the givens
of the universe we exist within. Or it may be that both are useful
in understanding a reality that we cannot ultimately know through a
single lens. The key may lie in pondering more deeply consciousness
and the role of the observer.
and the SM appear
fundamentally incompatible. Yet the observer
seems central to both approaches. For the SM, it is the act of
observing – measuring – which collapses the wave function of
probabilities of a quantum wave (or entangled state) into a specific
value. For GR, there is no privileged place to measure the state of
anything else, all is in motion and each observer will see time and
space differently depending upon his position relative to everything
else. The relationship
between light and mass creates the framework
for observation by providing a measure of time and the three
dimensions of space. Light “travels” at the cosmic speed limit
but takes no time to get anywhere since at its speed, time stops. A
surfer riding a photon is everywhere that
photon will ever be at the same moment. It is stuff with mass
that experiences, bends and moves through
requires consciousness; without being heard, trees that fall
in the forest make no sound. Tied in some way to mass, consciousness
manifests probabilities as it moves through spacetime. Looking from
the perspective of what both GR and the SM tell us, the universe is
one big wave function outside of time where at one level everything
happens at once while to the observers immersed in the Higgs field,
time exists. Why should this be true?
practitioners of quantum physics remain focused on considering
various ways to reconcile the SM with GR. Whether these efforts will
ever lead to anything that can be observed and measured is an open
question. But even in the event of some unification – or a new
theory that subsumes both – the problem would remain of where
does that come from? This leads to the ultimate question of the
origin of the universe. If it's not the Big Bang but some other
beginning or even some steady state, it would then beg the question
of why that?
GR and the SM describe the universe we find ourselves in from
different points of the observer's view. In one we experience
relative time. In the other, we determine what is by looking at it.
As conscious observers and living creatures, we are, in effect, at
the center of everything. This would suggest that if we are to gain
further, deeper understanding of reality we must understand more
about consciousness and its relation to reality. Those who try to
explain consciousness as a product of organic matter and processes
get it exactly wrong. In some way, consciousness creates reality.
Consciousness is not derivative but somehow primordial. There is a
in the machine.
leaves us with two apparent options. One would be to accept that we
can go no further. Science may yet produce new ways to manipulate
the world – via technology – but we will be unable to penetrate
further the veils of the cosmos we inhabit. The other would be to
start with a more profound understanding of consciousness and perhaps
by creating a science based upon qualia
rather than quantity. This would require a
new way of thinking more akin, perhaps, to
philosophy than mathematics. And it might start with the question of
why there should be anything rather than nothing.
Big Bang,
quantum physics,
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Another Interlude: What do Gravity Waves Mean?
Just read the
typically excellent articles in Science
News on the recent confirmation of gravity
waves. The merger of two black holes that triggered the waves
that reached earth some 1.3 billion years later converted three solar
masses into sufficient energy to send a tiny but measurable ripple to
the two LIGO detectors. The total energy released “exceeded that
of all the stars in the universe combined.” But as SN notes, the
gravity waves did not travel through space – as does light – but
as a wave in the fabric of spacetime itself traveling at the speed of
It is worth
pondering the fact that gravity and light – both seemingly very
different types of elementary vectors – both travel at the same
finite speed. What is it about the universe that is revealed by the
cosmic speed limit of 186,000 miles per second that even gravity
I've previously
suggested that the speed of light measures “our awareness of
the distance traveled within spacetime” and that “the speed of
light may actually be the speed of consciousness.” At the speed of
light, time
stops. Someone surfing a photon would be everywhere that photon
would ever be at the same moment. We experience the universe as
spacetime. We move through it while, in a sense, the universe
itself must exist all at once outside space and time. Lots of
scientists are looking at ways to use string theory or supersymmetry,
positing extra dimensions and multiple universes, to try to explain
our universe through what might seem an updated version of efforts to
find how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. (Regrets to St
Thomas, whom I follow in the thought that when you reach the end of
reason, it's a finger pointing to god.) But these efforts beg a
question: whatever theory they come up with, why would the cosmos be
that way? Reality
may not be an infinitely peel-able onion. The fact remains that
we live in a universe where even gravity takes time to travel as
perceived by us. (I suppose a surfer riding that gravity wave would
also be everywhere that four-dimension wave would be at the very same
Why ask what all
this means? The notion of deriving meaning from the fact that we
exist and in a world that seems perfect for us is basic to humanity.
But beyond this, facing up to these questions may be the way forward
to a new science. This would not mean abandoning quantum physics and
relativity but thinking
our way through them without trying to find dancing angels.
quantum physics,
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Premature Globalization
has come too early in
humanity's history and
gone too far. It is
unsustainable with burdens
and benefits distributed too unevenly to provide a basis for global
stability. Globalization
of the market has
concentrated wealth in some places at the cost elsewhere
of erratic
consumer- and export-driven growth that distorts economic development
and entrenches poverty.
Free trade has meant
cross-border transfers
of jobs that have left
struggling to make ends
meet in the “new economy” while
helping others in low wage markets to enter the cycle. The
resultant distortions have thus both concentrated and generalized
inequality. Globalized
media greatly magnifies
the perception of inequality by delivering
clear images of what is available elsewhere thus
large-scale population movements.
Globalization in the 21st
Century benefits only some at the cost of the many
who have been encouraged to believe that they too benefit from the
increased availability of cheaper goods that
they can't fix but must constantly buy anew.
The majority of humanity
still must
struggle to attain or maintain a decent living for themselves and
their families and a
future offering hope for
their children.
countries, those who directly benefit from the various facets of
globalization face a rising
tide of political opposition. In
what may turn out to be a seminal offering,
Peggy Noonan in a
recent WSJ piece
outlines an
distinction between what she calls the "protected" and the
"unprotected." Taking this concept perhaps a little
further than she would, the protected
are those who make public policy or have purchased the people who do.
Through their decisions and predominant political power, the
protected impose mechanisms, processes and conditions that provide
them direct benefit. The unprotected are those who must survive in
the world that the protected make
for them. The protected
live the good life secure in their own communities. Because they are
mostly insulated from any negative effects of their policies, they
feel they can inflict
anything on the rest. The unprotected live with none of these
advantages and all of the fallout. Populist political movements from
the left and the right have arisen in may places as the unprotected
have lost their patience with traditional politics and politicians.
In the US that includes Trump and Bernie Sanders, in Europe populist
parties from France to
Poland threatening or
wresting political power from the
root problem could be termed premature globalization. It might seem
that the tying together of the world's economies might have been the
result of some inevitable natural force. But the lowering of trade
barriers and opening of borders has been the result of a myriad of
political decisions by the protected. They have been able to move
jobs to places with lower labor costs and to “import” – through
legal and “illegal” migration – cheap labor to where they need
it. Free trade always means that jobs move from one place to
another. All those Chinese “lifted” out of poverty through years
of high growth have come directly from jobs moved from America and
elsewhere. The benefit to the unprotected – including the many in
the developing world not able to compete with China or the West –
has been slim and often fleeting. But as a friend has noted, free
trade is only Pareto-optimal
if the gains are broadly shared. The gains have not been broadly
shared but the costs have.
benefits from free trade: the owners of capital and their public
servants. They reap the profits and gain extra from buying favored
treatment (openly or through corruption). Also, the local political
elites of developing countries who monopolize power and skim off what
comparatively little wealth trickles in from the global trade
channels. Some from supplying raw materials (often mined or grown in
ways wasteful and injurious to the environment and local
populations), some from importing those planned-obsolescence consumer
goods. (I freely admit to “benefitting” from the endless series
of iPhones.) In America, they use their advantage to win favorable
tax rates (or move operations elsewhere) while pushing to reduce
“wasteful” government expenditure on things like infrastructure,
healthcare or social welfare.
primary role of government should be to ensure that all citizens can
earn a basic living while helping them provide a suitable and
nurturing environment for their children. This means the economy
needs to provide a range of jobs from the highly skilled to the basic
to mirror the natural mix of abilities and interests. Taking just
the United States, over the last decades the Democrats and
Republicans both have failed to meet this test. They have pushed the
“benefits” of free trade at the cost of millions of jobs lost.
Their mantra has been the benefits of those cheaper consumer goods
and the possibility of newer jobs in the advanced economy. Even
before the 2008 financial tsunami, those newer jobs were hard to find
and most were lower pay.
I was a lad in the 1950s and 60s, my parents raised five children on
the salary of a truck driver plus the occasional factory employment
of my mother. Try raising five children today on a working stiff's
salary, even if both parents work. (How many political hacks rail
against abortion but don't care a whit about how to pay for raising
those children once they are born?) The protected also benefit from
cheap imported labor, often forced to work off the books or as
“contractors” without benefits. They do the jobs “Americans
won't do.” Translation, they do the jobs Americans won't do at
wages too low to allow a decent living.
would work well in a world of less
pronounced inequality. But we have been pushed into it
prematurely. The world of the 21st
Century perhaps just
does not produce enough wealth to share sufficiently for most people
to have a decent life where they were born. Thus the wave of
refugees – who come from the ranks of the unprotected whether
because of conflict or poverty – overwhelming
the gates of Europe or trying to somehow get through Mexico to
the US. Maybe the only recourse is for societies that can afford to
go it alone to raise the walls, close the doors and pull those jobs
back to the homeland by ending free trade. Leave China to deal with
its population without the benefit of those jobs imported from
America. This is the appeal of the Trumps. It's hard to argue
against and certainly the same old refrains from the protected –
Democrats and Republicans – have lost their popular appeal. No
matter who wins the American presidency or how hard Europe tries to
prevent migrants from trying to cross, the unprotected are not likely
to be denied forever.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
The rise of the unprotected
In Europe breaking (on TransConflict), I suggest that the renewed flood of refugees this year will tear up the reality of a border-less EU while raising a popular political backlash from the populist left and right. As noted there, Peggy Noonan in a recent WSJ piece
makes an interesting distinction between the "protected" and the "unprotected." Taking her concept perhaps a little further than she does, the protected make public
policy (and/or influence how it is made through money) while the unprotected are those who have to live in it (with no real influence over how its made). The protected
make the decisions (directly or indirectly), living the good life secure in their own
communities. Because they are mostly insulated from any negative effects
of their policies, they feel they can impose anything on the rest. The
unprotected live with none of these advantages. Noonan credits the rise
of Trump in the US with his understanding that the unprotected have
given up hope on the usual politics and politicians. But this also explains the rise of populist parties in Europe where the unprotected live with insecurity and enforced austerity.
Here in the US, the protected are oddly enough taking on one of their own, Donald Trump. He has cleverly rode -- enabled even -- a wave of angst from the unprotected to the lead in the Republican Party race for its presidential nomination. The party grandees (and their moneyed supporters) are now taking unprecedented measures to try and cut him down. They claim he is not a true conservative. By this they mean he does not follow the mantra of any government is bad government, any taxes are bad taxes and any social welfare program is bad social welfare. The "true conservatives" -- funded by the very rich contributing hundreds of millions of dollars -- don't need government. They simply want to control it and use it for their own ends, including cutting tax rates on them and ensuring little money is "wasted" on the unprotected. These folks don't like Trump. He does not seem to share their reluctance to use government for certain ends. While he wants to abolish "Obamacare" he also says he will "broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans." On taxes, he would abolish most tax exemptions and "loopholes" for the rich and for corporations. This almost sounds socialist.
Given Trump's anti-immigrant position and over-the-top rhetoric, he is not everyone's cup of tea. But he has tapped into the same popular sense of having been left out that Bernie Sanders has. This all suggests a wave of revulsion against the rule of the protected that may sweep over the November elections and change the landscape or simply run aground against the rocks. The protected will pull out everything they have to stop Trump. Sanders they will leave to Hillary while burnishing their Bengazi/email knives for her.
Here in the US, the protected are oddly enough taking on one of their own, Donald Trump. He has cleverly rode -- enabled even -- a wave of angst from the unprotected to the lead in the Republican Party race for its presidential nomination. The party grandees (and their moneyed supporters) are now taking unprecedented measures to try and cut him down. They claim he is not a true conservative. By this they mean he does not follow the mantra of any government is bad government, any taxes are bad taxes and any social welfare program is bad social welfare. The "true conservatives" -- funded by the very rich contributing hundreds of millions of dollars -- don't need government. They simply want to control it and use it for their own ends, including cutting tax rates on them and ensuring little money is "wasted" on the unprotected. These folks don't like Trump. He does not seem to share their reluctance to use government for certain ends. While he wants to abolish "Obamacare" he also says he will "broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans." On taxes, he would abolish most tax exemptions and "loopholes" for the rich and for corporations. This almost sounds socialist.
Given Trump's anti-immigrant position and over-the-top rhetoric, he is not everyone's cup of tea. But he has tapped into the same popular sense of having been left out that Bernie Sanders has. This all suggests a wave of revulsion against the rule of the protected that may sweep over the November elections and change the landscape or simply run aground against the rocks. The protected will pull out everything they have to stop Trump. Sanders they will leave to Hillary while burnishing their Bengazi/email knives for her.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Deep Time: Take Two
It's hard to fully
comprehend the
depth of time past. The universe came into existence some 13.8
billion years ago (BYA). The earth was formed around 4.5 BYA. The
first signs of life – simple microbes – appear about 3.5 BYA.
But as presented in a wonderful book about just how complex and
essential they are – Life's
Engines: How Microbes Made Earth Habitable by Paul Falkowski
– microbes are anything but simple. Microbes – bacteria and
archaea – are prokaryotes, single cell life without a nucleus or
organelles. Everything else – single cell or multi-cell plants and
animals – are eukaryotes: cells containing a nucleus and
organelles such as mitochondria. The prokaryotes developed the
ability to extract energy from the chemical environment and,
eventually, from the sun. It took another two billion years for them
to evolve into complex cells: the eukaryotes.
Two billion years is
a long time. Why did it take that long to go from bacteria and
archaea to the first eukaryotes? The machinery to convert chemicals
such as hydrogen sulfide or ammonia, and then the much harder task of
using sunlight, to fuel life would have taken a long time to develop.
But not just that. Extracting energy from the environment meant a
complex process of freeing electrons from chemical bonds,
transferring those electrons around within the cell and using them
ultimately to create other chemicals that would store those electrons
(i.e., serve as “food”) to provide energy for cellular processes.
Photosynthesis is an even more complex process that uses sunlight to
crack electrons from water and combine them – through intermediate
steps – with carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates and, as a
waste product, oxygen. This complex machinery had to evolve step by
step through the repeated random changes in DNA and RNA as winnowed
through natural selection. (A good part of the first billion years
after the formation of earth would have been used for the
construction of the RNA/DNA mechanism itself.) As Falkowski argues,
the processes for producing and consuming biologic energy work as
tightly as a complex and precise system of interlocking gears: one
out of place and the whole won't work. All the parts of the
machinery had to come on line more or less at once or it would not
function. Somehow, the machinery evolved anyway, implying that a lot
of time was required for vastly more failures – in which the
resulting organism from random mutation simply died – than
That the machinery
was there to be evolved – that the givens of the universe
allowed such a thing to come into existence – is also
worth pondering. As is the fact that we would not be here
Monday, February 22, 2016
Broken Symmetry – An Interlude on Potholders and the Big Bang
working on finishing a potholder recently – on one of those
old-fashioned hand looms – and ran out of the colors I needed to
finish it in my preferred manner. I usually like to do symmetrical
color schemes where warp and woof mirror each other. But this time,
though I thought I planned it out properly, I came up short on a key
color. I thought of trying to hide the misalignment by using a near
match but that didn't seem right. I eventually decided to just break
the symmetry in a way that suggested a kind of purpose. It later
occurred to me that this might have been at work at the Big Bang as
the energy released by the Big Bang cooled enough to allow the
appearance of charged particles, an equal
amount of matter and anti-matter should have been created.
But if that had been the case, the two would have combined in mutual
annihilation. This obviously didn't happen since we are here. For
some reason, the
symmetry broke. So far, every measurement
seems to confirm that particles of matter and
their anti-matter counterparts are identical except for charge. So
how did matter baryons come to outnumber anti-mater baryons and thus
survive annihilation to form the observable universe? Now maybe –
and here come the potholder point – there was simply not enough of
something. Perhaps the very singularity that expanded into the Big
Bang was already imprinted with some characteristic that meant less
of one flavor of charged particle than the other, just as it seems
different particles were imprinted with varying degrees of stickiness
in the
Higgs field?
search for the physics determining the basic constituents and
constants of the universe may simply have reached the point of having
think about these matters in a different way.
Big Bang,
quantum physics,
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Gravity Waves, Relativity and Quantum Physics: Part I
finding of gravity waves produced by the merger
of two distant black holes has been taken as yet another confirmation
of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. There have been various
such confirming measurements, including the gravitational redshift
and lensing of light and non-Newtonian, changes in the orbit of
Mercury. But the deeper significance of this latest discovery lies
in what it may say about the rival grand theory, quantum physics.
The Standard Model of modern physics has proven remarkably good at
accounting for the known elementary particles (fermions, hadrons and
bosons). The measurement of
the Higgs boson in 2012 was an astounding
confirmation of our most basic understanding of the origin of mass.
Despite the “spookiness”
of some of the predictions of quantum physics – such as quantum
entanglement – many of its strangest have
been verified.
the Standard Model is rather too perfect. It seems to account for
most of the basic parameters of matter and energy including three of
the four fundamental forces: —electromagnetic and the weak nuclear
(unified as electro-weak) and the strong nuclear interaction (which
holds together the atomic nucleus). But it cannot explain gravity,
dark matter or dark energy (thus leaveing
out 95% of what we believe to be the universe).
In trying to extend its reach – to achieve a grand unified theory
to include gravity –- physicists have so far failed to find the new
phenomenon that would hint at new physics in the form of
or string theory. The Standard Model explains
what it does so perfectly that those seeking to take it further
cannot seem to find any of the discrepancies that might point the way
to a Grand Unified Theory of Everything.
Relativity, on the other hand, has been confirmed in every case. It
provides a coherent theory of the universe as framed by spacetime and
the speed of light. It does not explain the Big Bang or the
menagerie of fundamental particles. Rather, General Relativity
describes how mass interacts with space and across time. Mass
deforms spacetime and matter and energy – including gravity waves –
travel in straight lines along the bends. Einstein's famous equation
– the E=MC2 of Special Relativity – does not explain
why mass and energy are interchangeable but provides a way to measure
the transformation of one into the other within the limitation
imposed by the speed of light (which cannot be exceeded).
is in essence a top-down theory. It begins with Einstein's grand
view of the very nature of spacetime, the basic fabric of the
universe. Quantum physics is more bottoms-up, seeking to discover
the basic pieces of reality. Relativity is a complete and verified
theory within its defined area. The Standard Model of quantum
physics is incomplete within its domain. It
may be that relativity is somehow the more fruitful way to think
about the universe. For Einstein, gravity is not a force, as it was
for Newton, but an artifact of mass bending spacetime. Quantum
physics again treats gravity as a force and seeks to find its
particle, the “graviton.” But what considerations may be drawn
from looking at quantum physics in light of relativity, instead of
trying to extend it to account for gravity? The key may lie in
pondering more deeply mass, light and the role of the observer.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Mistakes Were Made II
The US is now in the process of choosing its next president.
Everyone – in America and beyond – should insist that all the candidates
clearly define their notion of national interest and explain how it
addresses limitations as well as possibilities. Then the American people
must choose very wisely. The 21st Century appears to be just beginning a
wild ride.
Full piece in TransConflict.
Full piece in TransConflict.
international relations,
national interests,
Friday, February 12, 2016
The Republican Conundrum
A good friend of
mine, a Republican former Hill staffer and Bush Administration (W)
official, tells me that as of this week he cast his support to
Kasich. As he sees it, Trump and Cruz would spell disaster for the
party. He believes that while Trump and Cruz together get around 50%
of the Republican vote, they can't make much headway into the other
half. He would even vote for Bernie rather than them and believes
many other Republicans would too. He discounts Bush – whom he
believes would have been a better president than his brother –
because of dynasty fatigue and distrust from the Bush presidents not
keeping their word (on taxes and war). Rubio might be able to
recover but Kasich has more experience.
My friend also also
believes Bernie may prevail over Hillary because of her negatives.
He thinks Sanders would win over either Trump or Cruz but not with
enough votes to bring in a Democratic majority in either house. (He
would find a divided government, and continued political stalemate,
an acceptable outcome.)
This is the
Republican conundrum. A significant part of the Republican
electorate is deeply distressed about the prospect of either Trump or
Cruz winning the nomination. But they don't yet see a clear path for
anyone who may be able to stop them. The possibility that the
peculiar political circumstances of this year – an electorate
wanting something new and aligned along the “extreme” wings of the
two parties – could lead to a Trump vs Sanders match-up is
startling. But the Fat Lady hasn't sung yet and things may sort out
a bit come South Carolina. However, if Trump wins there and the
non-Trump/Cruz candidates bunch up without any clear breakout, the
Republican Party will be in difficult straits.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Bernie Concedes While it'll be Trump vs Cruz and Bush throwing a "Hail Mary"
Some commentators
noted Bernie Sanders' victory speech on Tuesday night, after winning
the New Hampshire primary, was a bit too long. This may have been
because Senator Sanders gave two different speeches in one. Right
off he complimented Hillary Clinton. He then noted that in a few
months, the Democrats would have to come together. He then explained
that the competition between the two Democratic candidates was
injecting energy into the party and bringing the young people in. It
would need both to win in November. In the middle of his speech, he
again complimented Clinton and at the end he made clear that the
purpose of it all was to prevent any of the Republicans from winning
the presidency. Seems to me that this part of his speech was in
effect a concession that he didn't really count on winning the
nomination but that his raising issues that brought in the young
people, targeted the 1% and Wall Street and pushed the party to
embrace its progressive past would make Hillary a better candidate
and the help the Democrats win in November.
Now Bernie could not
say any of this outright. He needs to go on to continue the contest
in upcoming primaries and continue to “energize” the Democratic
base. You don't do that by making it clear you really don't expect
to win and are running just to help the cause. So the second part of
the speech was more of the standard “when I'm president” type.
Along the way, he kept the focus on inequality but also addressed
international affairs and race, gender and gay issues.
Bernie may have
suspected that this win in New Hampshire might be his one really big
chance to address the country. He used it, including a pitch in the
middle for donations. Bernie hit all his notes and expanded his
message. But his chief objective seemed to be a message to Hillary,
take this medicine, it will be good for you, the party and the
On the Republican
side, the big news was the expected – but necessary to renew his
“winner” image – big win by Donald Trump and the second
place by heretofore quasi-unknown Ohio Governor John Kasich. But the
real story is the cards falling today, the day after with Chris
Christie and Carly Fiorina both dropping out. This leaves Cruz, Jeb
Bush and maybe RoboRubio to contend for the job of knocking down
Trump. Kasich spent a lot of time in New Hampshire and probably
can't replicate his success in the southern primaries coming up.
Bush has tons of money and may be able to keep in the race long
enough to become, by default, the only “moderate” establishment
Republican left standing. In the upcoming South Carolina primary, it
will in effect be Trump vs Cruz while Bush tries to pull away from
the rest of the pack.
New Hampshire,
Monday, February 8, 2016
Africa by 2100?
Talked recently with
a young man originally from Ethiopia but now living in the US. He
keeps up with his native land and was just back from a visit. I
asked him how things were. He said: “It's Africa, you know what
that means, corruption and conflict.” He spoke of the 2005
election and the resulting denial and repression of those he termed
the “winners” and lamented the current situation in which, as he
put it, the third largest ethnic group rules over the rest of the “80
tribes” that live in Ethiopia.
It is easy to see
why someone might see Africa – mired in poverty, corruption and
violence – as a land without much of a future. It's hard to name
one functioning multi-ethnic democracy on the continent. Some
countries have elections but these serve either to anoint those
already in control and holding all the advantages of state power –
official and otherwise – or to simply provide a patina of
legitimacy for autocratic, tribally based rulers and cliques.
African countries remain on the periphery of the global economy. As
such they must earn their living in an environment where rapid
technological change and the built-in advantages of the already
developed core leave them little room for much more than the export
of raw materials and the importation of finished goods. This may
produce some wealth but it runs into the hands of those with the
local monopoly. At best, it may feature as a form of primitive
capital accumulation but even then the trickle down cannot keep up
with rising populations and expectations. It would take an
extraordinary amount of good governance, popular support and patience
for even gradual economic development to lift these countries to the
level of societal well-being basic to sustaining democratic norms,
procedures and results.
History dealt Africa
two cruel blows. The first was the slave traffic. Slavery certainly
existed before the outsiders – European and Arab – brought it to
the continent. But the tremendous demand created especially by the
traffic to the New World magnified the level of violence already
existing among the many native groupings. Slavery also was the entry
point of European expansion into Africa, followed by the exploitation
of natural resources and colonization. This was the second blow, the
carving up of Africa into territorial units that took no regard of
existing tribal patterns and political arrangements. There had been
empires and nascent states before colonization but these were based
on local realities with their own ebb and flow. Once this was
super-ceded by the state boundaries drawn up by the Europeans,
disparate peoples found themselves lumped together inside arbitrarily
chosen fences. After independence – with almost no experience of
political participation or democracy – they were left in the hands
of those willing and able to use identity politics and violence to
seize and hold power. Corruption, poverty and repression within the
framework of tribally-based competition for space – economic and
political – became the norm.
see democracy as the way to move forward. But democracy requires
a level of economic development and political maturity (especially a
willingness to see someone not like yourself win power). In a
context of scarce resources, winner-take-all, tribal politics
democracy is likely either to fail or simply produce further conflict
between winners and losers. It would be nice if some model of
power-sharing might work within federal or confederal arrangements.
But such mechanisms also require an extraordinary degree of tolerance
and political experience to function in a sustained fashion,
especially in the context of economic underdevelopment.
In the history of
Europe, stable states grew from heterogeneous tribes only through the
growth of centralized states imposing a “national” culture and
language. For the future of Africa, it may be necessary for the West
to temper efforts to export “democracy” with an understanding of
its own history. Acting against genocide or gross human rights abuse
is an
international responsibility. But it will also be necessary to
recognize that over the next decades that African states will have to
find their own way of constructing nations within the confines of the
colonial fences left them.
human rights,
international relations,
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Krypton Discovered?
News reports the discovery of a second mega earth. This
is an apparently rocky planet many times more massive than our own.
Could this then be a Krypton-type planet with greater gravity where
if two-legged folk evolved, and they could somehow get to earth, they
could jump further than mere earth people and travel faster than a speeding bullet?
Sixteen times as
heavy as earth, massive BD+20594b should be a gas giant like
Neptune or Uranus. But instead it's 100% rock. The planet orbits
its star in 42 days. A little online research indicates the star
itself is very slightly smaller and cooler than the sun and also
about one billion years younger. This makes it a yellow star as
is our sun, i.e., not red.
Judging from the
planet's orbital period, it is even closer to its sun than is Mercury
to ours. This probably means it's too hot for life as we know it.
It also seems too
massive for plate tectonics to exist. Scientists suggest that
plate tectonics is key to the circulation of carbon which is the
basis for life on earth. Without moving continents and circulation
between core, mantle and crust, everything remains locked in place.
Now, if the planet
might be tidally locked to its star – one side always facing toward
and the other away – there might be a transitional zone between -- in
perpetual twilight -- where the temperature might be more conducive to
life. And in twilight, at sunset, that sun might appear red. Tidal
forces might also create enough internal tension to stimulate
circulation within the rocky layers. So, perhaps the possibility of
finding Superman's home planet cannot be completely discounted.
What is clear is
that recent discoveries of exoplanets make a strong case for
the existence of a wide range of planet types including
ones that might support life. We also should not limit our consideration to forms of life based on carbon or water such as ours. Might someone be sailing methane seas on Titan? Is anyone
out there?
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Return DC to Maryland: A Case for Retrocession
Every week or so I
get an email from folks supporting statehood for Washington, DC. As
a long-time resident and taxpayer of the District, I understand why
they do. As it says on our license plates, it's “taxation without
representation.” DC is smaller than any of the 50 states but has a
larger population than two of them. Yet we get no vote in the US
Senate or House of Representatives. Instead, we get a voteless
Delegate to the House like some overseas territory.
The Constitution
allowed for the establishment of a federal capital through the
“cession” of territory from willing states. Washington, DC was
formally established in 1790 on swampy land, straddling the Potomac
River, taken from Maryland and Virginia to be a neutral place between
North and South. The District of Columbia was a square 10 miles on
each side. In 1846, the Congress passed a law allowing for the
retrocession of the part of the District in Virginia back to that
state if approved by the people affected in a referendum and if
accepted by the State of Virginia. This was accomplished in 1847.
Through this action, the District shrunk from 100 sq. miles to the
present 68.
While one may argue
that DC should be a state, politically it remains very unlikely.
Given that most would expect statehood to mean two more Democratic
senators and one Democratic congressperson, this would never pass
muster in any Congress without an overwhelming Democratic majority.
Maybe not then either.
So, how about
carving out the part of the District outside the federal government
core – the White House, Congress and the office buildings around
the Mall – and giving the rest back to Maryland? The various wards
of the city might become a new Maryland city – Washington City? –
or perhaps the various wards might each become their own local
jurisdiction. The Congress might agree with this as it would not do
anything beyond making Maryland a bit more Democratic without adding
actual new seats to the Senate. Maryland would have to agree too but
why not?
Washington City,
Maryland. Maryland is a nice state, I wouldn't mind living
there. And no more “taxation without representation.
human rights,
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Post-Iowa: No Real Winners Yet
Lots of ink being
split and voices braying on what the Iowa primary results mean. My
simple take is that Trump needs to win New Hampshire (NH) big or his
patina of invincibility – remember he can shoot someone in the
middle of NYC and not lose support? – will wash away. Without
that, people will begin to consider more carefully what he actually
says. Now, Trump is very smart. He might yet rise to the occasion
but he will become a longer shot.
Rubio – billed by
some as the “real winner” – is now target #1 of the remaining
“moderate” candidates. (Rand Paul – the one Republican of
principle – sadly dropped out today.) The “moderates” will try to
tear Marco a new one to drag him back down. Rubio seems a
lightweight but if he manages to hang on and do well in NH, he may
suck the rest of the air from the not-so-crazy-as-Cruz side of the
Cruz may think he
can survive a loss in NH and go on into the South. Hillary may hope
so because if Cruz can win votes there, she'll win more in November
from the non-white-extremist majority down that way.
Hillary lost in Iowa
despite her technical tenths of a percentage point “win.” She
has issues, including apparently the fact that she earns few points
for transparency. Once, when I worked in the White House, she served
me tea as I was accompanying the visit of the First Lady of Argentina
upstairs in the private quarters. Mrs. Clinton was very gracious to
include me as if I was also a guest.
I admit to liking
Bernie because of his razor-sharp focus on inequality, our number one
problem (globally as well as in America). Some say that since Bernie
– a “socialist” – cannot possibly win in America, a vote for
him is wasted. But if he wins in NH, he just may get enough wind in
his sails – and votes from the under-45 – to make it a long race.
Now Jeb, and I won't
say poor Jeb. I personally believe he was the Bush – if we
had to have one – we should have gotten in 2000. But that is a low
bar. He apparently has received too much money to simply bow out
just because it's clear he has bombed out. If you walk away from the
$150 million plus he's been given, the investors will not be pleased.
Bush may hope that Rubio stumbles in NH and he gets a second look.
So he may actually have to crash and burn before dropping out.
Better for all if this happens in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire,
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Time for the US to take the bull by the hand in Kosovo
Today I posted on TransConflict a piece on the detention of Kosovo Serb political activist Oliver Ivanovic. I know and respect Oliver through the three 1/2 years I served with the UN in north Kosovo. It appears that the European Union prosecuted him with the agreement -- if not encouragement -- of the Serbian government in Belgrade. Seems no one wants a strong, independent leader for the Kosovo Serbs no matter how moderate and pragmatic he may be. Or maybe I might say, almost no one. The United States, long the motive force behind carving out of Serbia a majority Albanian state, might see the utility in helping the Serb community in the country become a positive element in a truly democratic, multi-ethnic state.
For a long time, I was critical of the unilateral move to Kosovo independence outside the ambit of the UN Security Council resolution (1244) which entered into force after the NATO bombing of Milosevic' Serbia. But the fact is there is nothing wrong with Kosovo independence and given the treatment of Kosovo Albanians by Milosevic, it certainly is understandable why they would not want to risk that again. Perhaps more to the point, there is nothing about current day Serbia that suggests it would be better for Kosovo to have remained part of it. Both Kosovo and Serbia have problems -- corruption, low growth, tardy economic reform and dysfunctional politics. Nothing could possibly be gained by bringing the two together in one failed state. Indeed, much would be gained for both if Serbia recognized Kosovo independence. Serbia could move ahead on EU membership before the door is nailed shut and Kosova could start to face its real problems.
The US had hoped that the Europeans would handle Kosovo, move it steadily to something the internationals could declare a success and leave behind. That hasn't happened. The US Embassy in Pristina must still play an out-sized role in keeping the lid on political conflict among the Albanians and the US still has troops in Kosovo. Bringing a unified, pragmatic Serb community into the mix would not change things fundamentally in Kosovo. But it could be an important step in bringing some light into a smoke-filled room.
The US should do whatever is necessary to end the political persecution of Oliver Ivanovic. And along the way, end its affair with Hashim Thaci and bow to reality by finding a way to bring Ramush Haradinaj into the mix. The future of Kosovo should not be left in the hands of EU mandarins or ghosts of the past.
For a long time, I was critical of the unilateral move to Kosovo independence outside the ambit of the UN Security Council resolution (1244) which entered into force after the NATO bombing of Milosevic' Serbia. But the fact is there is nothing wrong with Kosovo independence and given the treatment of Kosovo Albanians by Milosevic, it certainly is understandable why they would not want to risk that again. Perhaps more to the point, there is nothing about current day Serbia that suggests it would be better for Kosovo to have remained part of it. Both Kosovo and Serbia have problems -- corruption, low growth, tardy economic reform and dysfunctional politics. Nothing could possibly be gained by bringing the two together in one failed state. Indeed, much would be gained for both if Serbia recognized Kosovo independence. Serbia could move ahead on EU membership before the door is nailed shut and Kosova could start to face its real problems.
The US had hoped that the Europeans would handle Kosovo, move it steadily to something the internationals could declare a success and leave behind. That hasn't happened. The US Embassy in Pristina must still play an out-sized role in keeping the lid on political conflict among the Albanians and the US still has troops in Kosovo. Bringing a unified, pragmatic Serb community into the mix would not change things fundamentally in Kosovo. But it could be an important step in bringing some light into a smoke-filled room.
The US should do whatever is necessary to end the political persecution of Oliver Ivanovic. And along the way, end its affair with Hashim Thaci and bow to reality by finding a way to bring Ramush Haradinaj into the mix. The future of Kosovo should not be left in the hands of EU mandarins or ghosts of the past.
Monday, February 1, 2016
The Killer Species: Us vs Them
The human species has a long
record of Us vs Them
conflict. Indeed,
our species of Homo
sapiens is the only
surviving one from a long period in which various other kinds of
humans shared the evolutionary record. For whatever reason, we
emerged the sole survivor. We had various advantages. Deprived of
in-built weapons such as claws and saber teeth, we evolved as
especially inventive and effective tool-using killers. Our social
organization – depending very much on our ability to use symbols
and language to reaffirm in-group bonds and work effectively in
coordinated activities – plus our advancing toolset made us
formidable hunters and gatherers. While some of these advantages may
have characterized the other members of the Homo
genus, we did them better. Even our closest relative, Homo
sapiens neanderthalensis,
may not have had our full capacity for the advanced suite. After
coexisting with us for some 160,000 years, the Neanderthals joined
the long list of the extinct other humans.
Since our arriving on the scene
some 200 thousand years ago, we have succeeded in eliminating,
replacing and enslaving Them.
Recent discoveries
have pushed back the known origins of warfare within our own species
to 10,000 years ago. The University of Cambridge anthropologist who
discovered the evidence suggested that “lethal raids by competing
groups were part of life for hunter-gatherer communities at the
time.” A recent excavation in France
of 6000 year old remains provides signs of violence including against
women and children and perhaps ritual dismemberment. But it would be
surprising if we were not already – and since the beginning –
omni-predators of anything not
have come up with various reasons and motives for using violence
against others. We want their food, water, land, gold, women, men.
But these have often been overlaid or supplemented by the simple
desire to rid ourselves of Them.
We tend, all too frequently, to establish who we are by defining who
we are not. Attacking Them
reaffirms our identity. In the Hobbesian state of nature, nothing
prevents the war of all against all. Within a society, a stable
governing order – the Leviathan – can regularize this war.
(Regularize, not end. Witness the current political conflict between
Red and Blue in America or the current wave of xenophobia sweeping
through the EU.) Between societies in conflict, or when internal
order breaks down, the simplest way to distinguish the enemy is to
focus on Them.
conflicts of the
last 100 years have been mainly of this Us
vs Them kind,
primarily over identity: ethnic, tribal or religious. They have spun
from control when the regimes that ruled over multi-ethnic states
have fallen or been seized or overthrown.
Once identity conflicts begin, they
quickly turn zero-sum.
Violence begets violence and the possibility of achieving a
political solution recedes beyond the horizon. In the globalized and
technologically complex 21st
Century, these conflicts tend to produce regional and global
It should seem obvious that
international relations requires a version of the Leviathan, an
internationally acceptable way to manage conflict
between and within states and address the tensions that allow
conflict to emerge along identity lines. The UN provides a mechanism
to do both. Seems that our choice may be to use it better and act more multi-laterally
or perhaps see that we have all become the universal Them
the way to our own demise.
homo sapiens,
international relations,
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