“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not
be infringed.”
are more guns than people in the United States today. Every time
there is a mass killing, some will argue for gun control and others –
led by the NRA – will push back by using the opportunity to loosen
guns laws even further. Mass killings get the news but many more
people are killed by guns in suicides and criminal homicides.
victims of gun death from homicide tend to be young black men. Gun
crime follows the social and economic inequality of America's inner
cities where our police must protect their communities while facing
the possibility of being out-gunned themselves. The police are in
the front lines of a society still plagued by this race-based
inequality and the fact that there are too many guns too easily had.
advocates of unrestrained “gun rights” base their case on the 2nd
amendment to the US constitution. That amendment might be read to
suggest that given that a state has the right of self-defense,
people must be allowed to have guns so that when they come together
in that state's army (militia) they know how to use them. Or it
could be read to mean that people have a right to have guns in
order for them to be able to protect themselves from the
state. This second reading is the implicit – if not always
explicit – argument of the NRA-led gun lobby. They may also seize
upon the word “militia” to suggest the right to come together in
bands to resist government encroachment.
pro-gun readings of the 2nd amendment highlight the fact
that the amendment itself is outdated. In 21st Century
America, the notion of a citizen uprising to defend us from a central
government dictatorship is simply the realm of fantasy. Indeed it
has been repeatedly enacted as such in movies about citizen uprisings
against foreign or alien invaders. In reality, we have a government
of and by the people. When it over-reaches, there are
checks and balances. (Someday, a Supreme Court may correct
the notion that money is speech.) It is difficult to credit the
founding fathers with the belief that they were providing the right
to bear arms in order to empower the citizens of the United States to
overthrow the government they themselves had established. The
language of the 2nd amendment seems to make clear that the
right of self-protection belonged to the state and not to
even the first reading of the amendment – indeed any reading –
must confront the clear language that for whatever the reason, the
right to have guns shall not be infringed.
It does appear absolute. So
that should lead to the obvious conclusion that the 2nd
amendment is obsolescent
and injurious to the nation's health. We all – people in their
homes and on the streets, police and young black men – would be
safer in a country where there were no guns beyond those modest ones
used by hunters and sportsmen under reasonable regulation. The 2nd amendment should be repealed.
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