Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Notes on "A History of Political Theory" -- Episode 29

For episode 28, see here

To start at the beginning, see here

The Theory of the Nation State: The Moderns

XXIX. Liberalism: Philosophical Radicalism 

"The history [of philosophy of natural rights] was an example of the paradox of which Hegel was so fond, that a philosophy is fully developed in its details and
applications only when its main principles have come to be taken for granted
and to that extent have become retarded in their speculative development." 669

 A. Liberalism of the 19th Century was reaction against the excesses of the
      Revolution and on reliance on "self-evident" axioms.
 B. Defined classical liberalism, in essence a program of legal, economic and
      political reforms connected, as they supposed, by the fact of being all
      derived from the principle of the greatest happiness of the greatest
 C. Chief ideas that actuated the Philosophical Radicals:
       1. Greatest happiness principle as a measure of value.
       2. Legal sovereignty as an assumption necessary for reform through
           the legislative process.
       3. A jurisprudence devoted to the analysis and censure of the law in
           light of its contribution to the greatest happiness.
 D. Four dimensions of pleasure or pain (for calculation):
       1. Intensity.
       2. Duration.
       3. Certainty it will follow given kind of action.
       4. Remoteness from the time it will occur.
 E. Greatest happiness principle useful in stripping away 'fictions' and 
      recalling that real individuals are affected by law and government
 F. Allocation of pains and pleasures by good legislation brings about most 
     desirable results.
       1. Utility only reasonable grounds for such legistation and obligation
           to obey.
       2. Property rights justified by the need for security and certainty of the
           results of our actions.
 G. Jeremy Bentham's liberal humanist feeling caused him to temper the
      greatest happiness principle (efficiency) by holding equality of men in
      calculating happiness.
 H. Classical economics grew alongside Bentham's social philosophy 
      from the same roots in Adam Smith, via David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus 
      and the French successors to François Quesnay and the Physiocrats
       1. Laissez faire theory
       2. Economics and politics mutually interdependent with 'law-like'
           economic behavior.
       3. Embraced two diverse points of view:
           i. natural order as inherently simple, harmonious and beneficent
           ii. belief this order is devoid of ethical attributes and its laws have 
               no relation to justice, reason or human welfare
           iii. the first assumption corresponds to a static social free-market
                that will produce most cheap harmony of interests 
           iv. the second corresponds to the social dynamics of distribution 
                of the total product of that market through economic classes 
                where what one gets depends on which class one is in
       4. At odds with utilitarian principle which requires a harmony of
           interests which is not natural but must be produced by legislation.
 I. Malthus proposed two laws:
       1. In general, population increases faster than production of food.
       2. Law of rent -- food is the product of land and land is peculiar in
           that it is limited in amount and differs in productivity. Rent is the
           difference between productivity of any given piece of land and that
           of land which at prevailing food prices would just fail to pay the
           cost of use.
        3. Rent therefore contributes nothing to production and landlords
           are economic parasites. (Ricardo), and;
           i. increase in food prices brings less fertile lands under cultivation,
              increases rent and increases population which increases prices
           ii. implies law of wages -- except for temporarily, wages cannot
              rise above or fall below subsistence level 
           iii. total product of industry in general distributed as rent, wages
               or profit with profits falling as rent increases
           iv. does not mesh on theoretical level with a neutral free market
               but on practical level led to policy of free trade
           v. Marx had ready made picture of exploitation of labor (profit was
               economic rent paid to the holders of the means of production
 J. Bentham saw that Liberal government need not be defended by accepting
     its inefficiency.
       1. Shared Hobbesian view of men driven by desire for power which
           institutional limitations cannot check.
       2. With Bentham rejected any conception of balancing of powers.
       3. Saw middle class as "wisest part of the community" which lower
           classes would follow. 
       4. Unified egoistic theory of individual motivation and belief in the 
           natural harmony of human interests.
 L. Philosophical Radicalism had great practical effect in 19th Century
       1. Had no positive conception of a social good and a passive view 
           of government.
       2. Left need for some conception of social good and positive government.

Next week:  Liberalism Modernized



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